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- Titl Vítězslav
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- Zvěřinová Iva
Family Environment during Childhood and Educational Gender Gap
// ARTICLE CREATION AND/OR MODIFICATION DATES // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>20. 5. 2019 | Videozáznam semináře s profesorkou Shelly Lundberg (University of California) o tom, jak rodinné prostředí ovlivňuje chování adolescentů a jejich vzdělávací výsledky
Seminář byl v anglickém jazyce bez tlumočení. Pozvánku na seminář si můžete stáhnout ZDE
Family disadvantage is strongly negatively associated with early social and behavioral skills of children. How does family structure during childhood affect female and male teenage behavior and school-grade outcomes? Do boys benefit more from advantageous family environment than girls? Professor Shelly Lundberg’s research has focused on the economics of family behavior and the determinants of inequality. She has contributed to the economics of discrimination and to the modeling of resource allocation and bargaining within households. Her current research examines the sources of educational inequality and of gender gaps in education.
Keynote: Professor Shelly Lundberg | Leonard Broom Professor of Demography, Distinquished Professor of Economics | University of California
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